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¡Conviértase en Miembro!
Dale Brincat Gooch
You're at peace, no more pain or heart ache. Always in my thoughts & heart. I believe you. love & miss you! Dale ♡
Shari Wilson
I didn't have the chance to meet Denise but knew her from the love her daughter and granddaughter shared for her.
Rebecca williams dimaano
I light this candle for Denise I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers I cherish the times at mountain view apts Rebecca
Teresa F McCoy
I light this candle in loving memory Denise King, her family Rene, Amanda, Donte, Stormy, and Jada. Prayers and love
Biacca Green
I light this candle for Denise King and all her loved ones especially Rene, Mandy, Stormy and Dante. God Bless and Keep you
I light this candle in Honor of my beautiful mother Denise King.. I love you more than you know
Número total de Velas: 6
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